Nxivm ‘slave master’ Allison Mack sentenced to three years in prison

 “Smallville’’ actress Allison Mack got a wrist-slap sentence of three years in prison  for serving as a Nxivm “slave master” that brainwashed women into becoming sex slaves for the group’s twisted leader.

“In Nxivm language, you are a slave as well as a master. It’s hard to determine a sentence for a defendant who is also her co-conspirator’s victim,” Gaurafis told Mack.

Brooklyn federal court Judge Nicholas Garaufis took pity on Mack before meting out the light sentence — a 117 years shorter than Nxivm leader Keith Raniere’s punishment.

Mack — who was hoping for probation and home confinement — remained silent as Gaurafis handed down the 36-month sentence.

“Your punishment should serve as a forceful deterrent and a serious sentence is important, but I don’t doubt that you were also manipulated.”

“I’m filled with remorse and guilt. I renounced Keith Raniere and all of his teachings. From the deepest part of my soul, I am sorry,” the former actress, wearing a black dress and a floral face mask, said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Throughout the proceeding, the 38-year-old disgraced TV star was stoic except for when she entered a tearful apology to the court after listening to a series of victim impact statements.

She also apologized to the victims and their families, as well as her own.

Ahead of the sentencing, one of Mack’s victims excoriated her in an impassioned statement — calling Raniere’s former right-hand woman an “evil monster.”

“She can blame Keith all she wants but she is the menace cut from the same cloth,” the woman, identified only as Jane Doe, told the court.

“She sought me out like a predator stalking her prey … Allison Mack and Keith Raniere are the most evil monsters I’ve ever met.”

Outside the courthouse, Jessica Joan, another victim, said she was “satisfied” with the sentence.

“I respect the judge’s decision,” Joan told The Post. “Allison tried to sex traffic me along with other people and cause a lot of harm and pain.”

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